What To Expect On Sunday Morning
When you arrive at AMC you will discover that the main entrance is around the back side of the church. There is plenty of off street parking behind the church, so park your car and come into the covered entrance where you will be greeted by a member of AMC. If you have small children, a nursery is available for child care.
You will find people dressed comfortably in casual attire for the worship service. You will enjoy a variety of music which includes piano, guitar, mixed choir and occasionally string or woodwind instruments. A Cappella singing, with four part harmony is an important part of this congregation. Expect to hear a sermon each Sunday morning about 30 – 40 minutes in length.
The worship service is followed by a time of conversation in the lobby over tea and coffee, and education classes for young children, youth and adults.
Worship Schedule
10:30 – 11:30am
Children & Youth Formation
10:30 – 10:45am
Coffee/Tea Fellowship & Community Life
10:45 – 11:25am
Adult Formation
Second Hour Education
Nursery / Preschool
Nursery and preschool church provide a nurturing place for our youngest children while parents participate in church worship services. Screened adults and high school youth staff the preschool church for children ages 2,3,4 and 5.
Junior Department
The Junior Christian Education Department uses the Mennonite curriculum Shine to serve children from birth through grade five. Shine builds on Anabaptist values, teaches that the central theme of the Bible is best expressed in the life of Jesus Christ, and emphasizes the importance Christian community, corporate worship, and the joy of service and outreach.
Each Sunday children rotate through three different classrooms for a snack and prayer, Bible story, music, and a craft activity.
Junior MYF
It is our hope that during the nursery and preschool years, our children will grow in their faith and relationship with God; explore what it means to live out one’s faith (discipleship); and come to feel that they are an important part of the AMC family (community).
Specifically, in the area of faith, we hope that Jr. MYFers will:
- come to know that they are loved and valued by God
- learn about the Biblical faith story
- be exposed to key concepts of the Anabaptist faith (believer’s baptism, non-violence, discipleship)
- grow in their relationship with Jesus
Specifically, in the area of discipleship, we hope that Jr. MYFers will:
- discover what God’s love looks like when it is lived out
- begin to make connections between faith and relevant issues in their lives
- have opportunity to participate in service to others
- feel that they have gifts to offer in the building of God’s kingdom
Specifically, in the area of community, we hope that Jr. MYFers will:
- feel valued and involved in the AMC community
- grow in their care for each other
- find Jr. MYF to be a safe and loving place for them to express themselves
MYF (Mennonite Youth Fellowship)
As an MYF, we commit ourselves:
- To learn more about God, and to meet God together through worship, prayer, Bible Study, fellowship, service projects, and any time of meeting together throughout the year
- To open ourselves to personal growth and transformation
- To help others through service and the sharing of our faith in Jesus Christ
- To support and care for each other
- To have fun together!
Seekers Baptism Class
Seekers’ Class is an opportunity for high school aged youth to think together about faith, baptism, and church membership. It is designed to be a safe place to ask questions, interact with others, and reflect on faith commitments.
The class meets for a series of weeks over lunch, or in a weekend away setting. Participants come with a willingness to learn, ask self-reflective questions, and share with each other. While there is an opportunity for baptism at the conclusion of the class, there is not an expectation that every class member will be baptized.
Adult Education Second Hour
Second hour follows an elective format in which adults have an opportunity to participate in a traditional Sunday School Class, classes studying a book, current issues or other topics of interest.
Sermon and Bulletin Archive
Click the play button to hear the sermon. Click on PDF link to read the bulletin.
March 8, 2020 sermon by Rachel Nolt
Bulletin from March 1, 2020 - Sermon not available
Sermon from February 23, 2020 by Rachel Nolt
Sermon from February 16, 2020 by Matt Lenahan
Bulletin from February 9, 2020 - Sermon not available
Sermon from February 2, 2020 by Chynaah Maryoung-Cooke
Sermon from January 26, 2020 by Rachel Nolt and Matt Carlson
Sermon from January 19, 2020 by Melody Rupley
Sermon from January 12, 2020 by Rachel Nolt
Sermon from January 5, 2020 by Matt Carlson
Older Sermons